How many pics can the blackberry curve hold. How many songs without a sd card? Where can I get an SD card for? - how many songs can a blackberry curve hold without a memory card
much less expensive? What is the biggest memory that I can succeed? They have a video camera?
MicroSD You can have up to 8 GB, but are very expensive. I doubt you need more than 1 or 2, unless we have lots of videos and share on your phone or something. If it were just the music and maybe a few videos, 1 or 2 GB. 8GB cards are probably more than $ 100, but those who have little memory, is much cheaper - eBay has some really cheap microSD. I think I have on my 2GB is available for about $ 15 including shipping, but I'm sure you will find a better deal.
You can click on a microSD card Walmart
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