I am having a tooth coloured brace fitted next week what should I expect? - tooth coloured braces
I would like a few tips for the care or the experiences of those who have recently installed a dental orthosis know. This will hurt me do what I eat and eat, etc. etc.!
K, which also had the key, but not the color of the tooth.
Some of my friends were, and .. be careful to see if you do not care for them properly, this patch, and it is really bad. For example, you had a small village Curry assume it will look like the real teeth UR .. Be careful, as the.
Opne top .. u get if they come from, or perhaps a warrant. u use if always say to use more resources .. I never wore my teeth in the back and my shot a little, and the upper anchorage is not more than I ...
Good luck.
Oh, and wait to kill time, stricter Evry.
I thought I must warn you.
You have to wait a couple of days, pain, eat soft food or milk to soften crackers, cookies, buy a good mouth, and a vibrating toothbrush, dental floss for braces .. Retail UR brushing after each medium. Do not bite or eat things difficult icream cheesecake .. Ceramic brakes are strong, but be careful if u chew bones ..
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