Will I get skin cancer if I have a habit of writing notes on my palm with ball pen? - how can you know if you got ball cancer
I used to take notes on file in my hand, as always, remember to take your laptop. And recently, my friend advised me not to do to skin cancer, how to avoid such as ballpoint inks (including markers), it is diffuse (absorbed through the skin and in our blood and poisoning our bodies. Is it true that I do worry about?
You probably have some kind of "ink poisoning" I've never heard of skin cancer that way. Normally, the SO are
No, because if the WUS right, I'm sitting in a large hospital receiving chemotherapy .... only a theory, but u can () is very small chance, if an ink spill or an open wound, and have in the U ... but there should be 2 or do a complete idiot (lol) 2.
Datz personally believe that all the bull **** because as soon as the, markers and Sharpies in writing my whole being. Once I took a black Sharpie and black ALL my leg.
So I think the bad skin cancer be4 u do
doubtful, but possible - the cancer itself is caused by environmental factors that affect genes - unfortunately, this means that almost no influence
Uh, no. Since the ink poisoning is not a skin cancer.
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